The International Center for Advanced Communication Technologies (InterACT) is a network of leading Research Universities and Institutes of the main economies of the world. It has a dual mission:
  • Advanced research on technologies that support and facilitate global communication, cooperation and exchange.


  • Training/Education of scientists in an environment of scientific excellence, while at the same time providing immersion and experience working in a multicultural and multilingual setting.

InterACT was established in 2004 and operates in a light weight manner,  the collaborative center follows local organizational principles with associate directors at each institution; interACT's director is Alex Waibel.  


KIT Bibliothek Campus Süd
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
CMU Campus Cathedral
Carnegie Mellon University
Waseda Okuma Lecture Hall
Waseda University
USC Campus
University of Southern California
NAIST Bioscience Building
Nara Institute of Science and Technology
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
IIT - Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
Stanford Campus
Stanford University
Campus Uni Bielefeld
Bielefeld University
Queensland University of Technology